
Visitors are invited to contribute accounts of EXPERIENCES they had that involved Carlos Kleiber in some way, or TRIBUTES to him as artist and human being. Some contributions will likely contain both elements. Recollections of having known or met Carlos, of having attended in person a concert or an opera that he conducted, or of having played or sung professionally under him in a performance would be most welcome. But posts by those who simply wish to express their admiration for Carlos’ artistry and humanity will be equally welcome.

Submit your experience here.


# 3

I want to send my compliments for this initiative of creating a new site on Carlos Kleiber. My contribution will be modest as regards content, but immense as regards affective participation. Unfortunately, I was only able to hear and see Carlos Kleiber live one time, in Rome, in the 1980s, but it sufficed because I remained thunderstruck. I am simply a music lover and cannot express technical and precise evaluations, but I can say that I have never before or since heard passion, beauty, and music sing together, flying above everything.

I would like to add that in my opinion, one aspect of Carlos Kleiber has never been highlighted to the degree that it should have been. I refer to his not making business from his art. If only he had wanted to, he would have had everyone at his feet, record companies, theater impresarios in sales and in concerts, quite happy to submerge us with records first and DVDs afterwards, as many of his contemporaries did but he didn’t. I believe that in this era of unbridled consumerism, of images at all cost, also in the musical world, he IS an example of moral cleanness that is not to be squandered, besides being a musical reference point for all lovers of music and musicians.

Thank you,

Maria Vittoria Zocchi
Roma, Italia



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